President White: Board Approves and Announces 2017 Dues Increase and Long-Term Plan

Dear Bridge Pointe Neighbors:

In the interest of keeping you informed and providing as much notice to our 201 neighborhood families as possible, we want to advise you of two significant actions taken by your Board of Directors Sunday (August 7, 2016) at a public board meeting held at the Bridge Pointe swimming pool.

  1. The Bridge Pointe HOA Board of Directors voted to approve the 5-Year Plan . The 5-Year Plan will be reviewed, revised and approved each year.
  1. The board voted and approved a 15% dues increase for 2017—from the current rate of $322 to $370 annually. This will be due by Feb. 1st, 2017

Your board has worked very hard to improve our reserves position to be able to maintain, improve and plan for the bright future of our great neighborhood. The focus remains on our community owned pool area assets. Thank you to all volunteers for everything that you do and all neighbors for making this a great place to live. Please reach out to any board member if you have any questions.

The table below is included in the recommended and approved work of the 5-Year Planning Committee. For the sake of conciseness, it provides only the projected results of the increased dues in terms of reserves after the total of operating expenses and projected costs of maintenance decisions. For complete details of each cost by line item, please see


The minutes from the past meeting are being reviewed for approval and will be posted to our website very soon.

Jason White


Bridge Pointe Homeowner Association

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