Key FOB Instructions
1. Every Bridge Pointe household will receive one key fob.
2. Do not dispose of the key fob – they renew each year.
3. Key fobs are to be given to new homeowners when the property is sold.
4. Please store key fobs in a safe place and out of the reach of children.
5. Key fobs will be activated for homes with paid dues only.
6. The key fob will only open both gates during regular pool hours.
7. Keep the key tag with homeowner’s address on the key fob at all times.
8. If the key fob is lost, the cost to replace it will be $25, the lost key fob will be deactivated.
9. Pool key fobs are not to be loaned out, sold, or given away to non-residences for pool access.
10. The Bridge Pointe HOA reserves the right to disable any pool key fob for violating pool rules.
11. Contact Bridge Pointe with any questions.