In Attendance: Bob, Adam Lother, Cole Temnam, Ron Paulick, Joanne Link, Jay Rosenbaum
- BP Pool Restroom renovation: Ron Paulick
- Looking through available options to give nice, upgraded look to bathrooms
- Changing out old screens needed for ventilation
- Financial update- Joanne
- Income: $74,130
- Other Income: $105.21
- Expenses: $7,713.26
- Checking: $58,395.90
- Reserves: $68,473.93
- 25 houses left to pay HOA fees
- Calendar Update- Cole and Jay
- Easter Egg hunt, Moving dumpster day, Northland night at the pool, pool opening, TGIF’s
- Easter Egg hunt-Cole
- Need to mark off age groups for hunt
- Snacks?
- Drinks?
- Flags-Ed is starting to put up soon
- BP spring Volunteer Day- May 21
- Pool prep, signs, parking lot, etc.
- Northland Night at the pool- may 25
- Reps from KCPD, City Hall, and Clay County
- Pool update- Jason and Bob
- Reserve Study Review- Bob and Cole
- Web site updates/ focus on updating directory