Dues = $72,369.50 Other Income = $451.13 Total Expenses = $15,512.17 Checking total = $45,822.56 Reserves = 425,428.99 6 households left to pay
Dues = $72,369.50 Other Income = $451.13 Total Expenses = $15,512.17 Checking total = $45,822.56 Reserves = 425,428.99 6 households left to pay
Revenue (Dues) = $69,065.63 Other Revenue = $341.20 Total Expenses = $8134.46 15 households left to pay Bank balance = $53,194.17 Reserves = $22,011.10
Current as of 3-31-17 Dues = $67,440.00 Other Income = $298.26 Total Expenses = $6812.20 Checking = $54,509.84 Reserves = $19,591.72 19 households left to pay
February 2017 Monthly Update Here are the YTD numbers as of 2-28 Total dues as of 2-28 = $63740 Other Revenue = $228.26 Total Expenses as of 2-28 = $5074.60 Cash on hand as of
See 2017 budget and profit and loss statement as of 1-21-17 attached below. Total dues paid by January 31 = $54,590 Other Revenue = $200 Total Expenses as of January 31 = $4,964.77 Cash on
The September edition of The Pointe has information on upcoming events, past event recaps, new neighbors, and much more. You can view it online or download a pdf copy for yourself.
The August 7th board meeting was held at the pool and was an important meeting in that pool changes and successes were discussed as well as the 5-Year Plan and its recommendations for a steady
Homeowner discussion involved questions around expenses, website and planned future expenses. The board discussed their requests for more information that was, in turn, requested of the 5-Year Plan Committee.